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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion


博彩网站拥有多样性、公平和包容性 core value. 博彩网站的目标是创造一个环境,使政策, practices, and beliefs are grounded in the principle of fairness and that acknowledges structural racism, gender disparities, 和系统性的贫困同时尊重人类的多样性. 博彩网站 is dedicated to cultivating and sustaining a diverse and inclusive environment that embraces all identities, perspectives, expression of ideas, and backgrounds. The entire college community benefits from experiences that foster mutual respect, celebrate differences, and value commonalities. 


Diversity所有使个人与众不同的特征. 它描述了包括种族在内的群体/社会差异的各种组合, ethnicity, class, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, country of origin, ability, age, as well as cultural, political, and religious affiliations. 不同的种族和民族,不同的经济, geographic, 还有宗教背景,年龄, disabilities, and sexual orientation.”

Inclusion一个包容性的机构是一个多元化的机构, 重视所有员工的工作和才能, 每个人都感到受欢迎和舒适, 每个人都有平等的机会取得进步和成功.

Equity:公平是政策的存在环境, practices, and beliefs are grounded in the principle of fairness and that acknowledges structural racism, gender disparities, and systemic poverty, 同时尊重人类的多样性. This environment explicitly prioritizes the success of all students to ensure that they have the necessary resources to fulfill their college and career goals.

资源:TCC和VCCS定义,ONE Virginia, VCCS机遇2027战略计划校长多元化工作小组报告VCCS definitions

DEI Goals From TCC的五年策略计划

5.1 缩小学生入学机会和成绩差距. *
5.2 参与DEI和文化意识培训和专业发展. 
5.3 开展以DEI为重点的政策和课程审查.


Utilize data to create opportunities that bring Strategic Direction 5 of the College’s Strategic Plan into fruition to:

  • 5.1 缩小学生入学机会和成绩差距 through Assessing the current state of DE&I through qualitative and quantitative data to ascertain how TCC defines and integrates diversity, 通过教学实现公平和包容, learning, 学生和社区参与:因此, 为博彩网站的战略方向建立基线.
  • 5.2 Engage in DE&I and cultural awareness training and professional development by reviewing current initiatives and research best practices to facilitate and support departments college wide in strategic programming which includes professional development and student learning.  Implement a strategic assessment process which informs continuous quality and improvement and ensures accountability.
  • Review VCCS goals, and other initiatives across the Commonwealth to ensure that TCC is in alignment and that college practices are relevant.

小组委员会会议在每个月的不同时间举行. Contact for details.

  • 主席:Kyndra Brown,切萨皮克校区
  • Babi Brock,弗吉尼亚海滩校区
  • 迈克尔·布莱恩,民政事务处
  • 贝丝·卡拉汉,弗吉尼亚海滩校区
  • 弗洛伊德·戴维斯,弗吉尼亚海滩校区
  • Tatianna Duero,弗吉尼亚海滩校区
  • Davine (Daye) Faulks-Brayboy,民政事务处
  • 贝琪·福西,民政事务处
  • 朗达·古迪,切萨皮克校区
  • 萨拉·海尔,切萨皮克校区
  • 弗吉尼亚海滩校区的贾达大厅
  • Ruth Hu, Chesapeake Campus
  • 拉蒂莎·约翰逊,民政事务处
  • 我是劳动力解决方案公司的Brittney Lapoint
  • 唐纳德·利伯德,诺福克办事处
  • Amanda lloyd, Workforce Solutions
  • 格洛丽亚·麦金尼,信息技术
  • Alicia Phillips,朴茨茅斯校区
  • 民政事务处的内奥米·里迪克
  • 克丽丝特·萨拉蒙,民政事务处
  • 马奎塔·斯诺,民政事务处
  • 詹妮弗·瓦伦丁,弗吉尼亚海滩校区


  • TCC Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Council is comprised of students, faculty, and staff from all four campuses.
  • The 学生资源和授权中心 is a Single Stop site that connects students with a variety of free and comprehensive social services and financial resources to help them stay focused on their academic goals.
  • Global and Intercultural Learning Committee’s purpose is to create and coordinate opportunities in global learning for faculty, staff, and students. To create and coordinate opportunities for the faculty that includes professional development, curriculum development, foreign language and study abroad with the goal of internationalizing the education of as many students as possible.
  • TCC Libraries provides resources related to DEI information for research and instruction needs. The Cultural Studies Research Guide links to databases and other information resources to assist with research about a variety of cultural groups.
  • The Office of Educational Accessibility at TCC has as its mission to provide access to programs and facilities for students in a supportive atmosphere, and in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amended.
  • Workforce Recruitment Program connects public and private employers with highly motivated students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs. The WRP provides individuals opportunities to market their abilities to a wide variety of potential employers across the United States, 提高面试技巧, 获得宝贵的工作经验,建立工作人脉. 世界粮食计划署是由美国和世界粮食计划署共同发起的.S. 美国劳工部残疾人就业政策办公室(ODEP)和美国残疾人就业政策办公室.S. 国防部多元化管理办公室 & 机会均等(ODMEO),并得到其他联邦机构的支持.
  • 博彩网站’s Center for Teaching Excellence is a community for faculty to connect, engage, and collaborate.
  • 劳动力解决方案从医疗保健到IT及其他领域, 博彩网站’s Center for Workforce Solutions provides quality short-term workforce training that advances your business goals while improving the community we serve. Job Skills Training Program and Fast Forward are also available through Workforce Solutions.
  • TCC通过与汉普顿公路运输公司的合作促进包容性, 其服务区域内的区域运输供应商, 为学生提供公共交通优惠, 减少学生成功的重大障碍. 折扣服务还包括残疾学生的交通.
  • CMVE认识到TCC三分之一的学生与美国有关系.S. military (i.e., active duty, veteran, or family), the Center for Military and Veterans Education (CMVE) developed a Canvas-hosted site, 军事文化意识资源中心, which serves as a one-stop professional development resource for faculty and staff. The structure brings awareness of military-related culture and issues and is accessible to all faculty and staff through Canvas.
  • The college established the TCC Chapter of the American Association for Women in Community Colleges (TCC-AAWCC) in 2014-15. 该组织促进指导、发展、网络和领导力. It is currently soliciting candidates for the 2015 AAWCC Region 3 National Board Student Scholarship and the AAWCC Doctoral Program Scholarship.
  • The Open Door Project provides mentoring services to students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and are often first-generation college students.
  • New Faculty Academy is offered to all new full-time teaching faculty members at the start of their first semester of full-time employment at the college.
  • TCC Diversity Officer works collaboratively with Human Resources to develop a standardized employment search committee/interview panel checklist delineating diversity expectations (gender, race/ethnicity, etc.),在组建遴选委员会时必须考虑并满足这些要求.
  • Search advocates


Dr. ClauDean Kizart,

Jordan Barnes,

Beth Callahan,